Do you recall how your parents used to fill your plate to the brim with vegetables and then refuse to let you have dessert until you had eaten every last bit? With all those dark green veggies, they might have had a point. Today, we are going to reveal 5 super healthy dark green vegetables that you can buy, or better still, grow in your garden.

Drum roll, please!… Swiss chard, broccoli, kale, spinach, and romaine lettuce. These veggies can be recognised by their deep green colour. They are high in phytochemicals like vitamin C and abundant in antioxidants.

Antioxidants have been the talk of the town if you’ve turned on the television in the last three years. It has been demonstrated that they boost immunity and lower the risk of developing certain cancers.

Cooking tends to remove nutrients from many meals. The best thing about these leafy green veggies is that they taste great raw and retain much of their nutrients. You can find them readily at your local grocery shop.

Let’s learn more about these delicious and nutritious vegetables:



For kids, broccoli is a great vegetable since it’s like eating a baby tree. The tiny buds are actually little florets and they have twice the vitamin C content of an orange.

Here are a few things you might not know about broccoli:

* Both soluble and insoluble fibre are abundant in broccoli. Not only does it satisfy your needs for both kinds of fibre, but it’s also a great addition to your diet.

* Studies have revealed that the phytonutrient in broccoli, indole-3-carbinol, actually deactivates a metabolite that has the potential to develop into cancer.

* Broccoli also strengthens the immune system, lowers the risk of heart disease, and helps repair skin damaged by the sun. At the same time, because of its high calcium content, it also encourages healthy bone formation.

5 Super Healthy Dark Green Vegetables


Kale is a leafy green vegetable that has a hint of bitterness and a high potassium and folic acid content. Stir-fry some greens, please. You might just discover that you’re really impressed.

* Kale, which contains folic acid, is an excellent addition to your diet if you have problems with your skin, hair, or nails.

* Potassium is a fantastic meal to help avoid muscular soreness throughout the healing process and also aids in the breakdown of lactic acid in muscles following an exercise.



Rich in iron, vitamins A and C, and flavour, spinach is a lean, mean, green antioxidant machine. Rich in essential vitamins and minerals, spinach helps to develop strong bones and muscles and a healthy brain. Try adding spinach to your salad the next time for a little variation and a huge taste explosion.


Swiss Chard

Similar to spinach but with a hint more earthiness, is Swiss chard. Swiss chard is a fantastic addition to salads and is high in calcium and vitamins C and K.

* Vitamin K supports normal brain and eye function. Try some Swiss chard the next time you have to study for a huge exam or spend hours looking at a computer screen. You’ll feel better knowing your brain is getting the nutrition it needs.


Romaine Lettuce

Perhaps the last vegetable that springs to mind when you think of dark green veggies is lettuce. The darker the colour, the more the lettuce has to conceal its nutritional value. The lighter hues, like icebergs, have virtually little dietary benefit.

Although it still contains a lot of water, romaine lettuce is incredibly high in fibre and antioxidants.

The amount of folic acid in a leaf, which prevents heart disease, increases with its shade of green.

Look at some of the intricate characteristics of lettuce, despite its seeming simplicity:

* Because lettuce has so few calories, it’s a fantastic food for dieting.

* The mineral magnesium, which is present in romaine lettuce, is excellent for reviving the brain, nerves, and muscles.

* The juice from lettuce, which is rich in chlorophyll, helps to keep hair colour normal.

* The high iron content of lettuce aids in the production of red blood cells.

* In addition to many other illnesses, lettuce may help treat gout, constipation, colitis, acid reflux, sleeplessness, and stress.


Even though you were probably made to eat your dark green vegetables as a child, you now understand why it was crucial. Your dark greens are still essential to your overall health and wellbeing. Try using these dark greens in some new recipes—you could be pleasantly surprised!

They’re also affordable, so eating more dark green vegetables can help to reduce your monthly spending.  What’s not to love?